Welcome to EBID's New Website

Karen Ray

The Elephant Butte Irrigation District website has a whole new look and added functionality! SCADA Department Director Patrick Lopez has upgraded the site and we invite you to explore. We still have all the information you need to stay in tune with irrigation district news, water outlooks, and updates.  The Farmer Services  tab is easily available front and center on the home page so you can log in and access your account. Water Data and GIS Maps tabs are found right there also to aid you in agricultural planning and water resource management.

Need to access permits and fact sheets? It’s all there on the site. Interested in our board of directors, meeting minutes,  or just need to contact the EBID office? Lopez has made the site easy to navigate and you’ll find most everything you need within its pages.

EBID plays a vital role in managing surface water within the District. But that’s not all we do; we also monitor and study groundwater levels, conduct water quality testing, seek new ways to conserve water, and collaborate on habitat restoration activities for the health of the river and our community. Take a few minutes to watch our overview video on the home page to learn more.